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明暗研究室|Atelier Noirs 创立于上海,研究室的兴趣集中在探讨当代中国城市化背景下,人的状态与空间,城市,文化,社会等不同尺度生活环境的关系。

研究室的美学灵感源于美国摄影师John Alton对于黑色电影(Film Noir)黑白摄影的经验总结:“用光绘画”。黑白摄影手法纯粹,仅仅通过控制镜头内每一处的布光多少,多重层次与丰富细节便展示无疑。黑与白,明与暗,互相对立,也相互共生。



Atelier Noirs was founded in Shanghai, focusing on exploring the relationship between the human condition and various scales of living environments—such as space, city, culture, and society— within the context of contemporary Chinese urbanization.

The founding of Atelier Noirs draws its aesthetic inspiration from John Alton's summary on Film Noir’s cinematography: "painting with light." This black-and-white photography technique is pure, with richness of detail conveyed through a variety of shades of light. Black and white, light and dark, are in contrast yet coexist.

The creative methodology of Atelier Noirs is rooted in the exploration of "light and shadow," dual yet interdependent elements. Employing image creation and spatial design as methods, Atelier Noirs seeks to uncover the infinite possibilities of the dialectical unity behind the fundamental relationship between "people and the environment" through works and practices in various fields.

The practical directions of Atelier Noirs include, but are not limited to, architecture, installations, interior and exhibition design, photography, and film.

"Painting with light." John Alton‘s statement on the art of film noir cinematography remains canonical. On the screen of film noir, richness of details is presented through a variety of shades of light. Black and white, light and dark, are in contrast, and in coexistence.

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