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Femme fatale is one of the most representative figures in film noir. From 1941 to 1958, portrayals of female characters in film noir experienced changes and femme fatales were disappearing by 1958, the last year of film noir golden age. This shift could be decoded by the analysis of women's social position within the specific socio-historical context before and after World War II.

By 李辛吾 Lee Hsin-wu 

On Film - 02/18/2021

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Femme fatale is one of the most representative figures in film noir. From 1941 to 1958, portrayals of female characters in film noir experienced changes and femme fatales were disappearing by 1958, the last year of film noir golden age. This shift could be decoded by the analysis of women's social position within the specific socio-historical context before and after World War II.

By 李辛吾 Lee Hsin-wu 

On Film - 02/22/2022

Femme fatale is one of the most representative figures in film noir. From 1941 to 1958, portrayals of female characters in film noir experienced changes and femme fatales were disappearing by 1958, the last year of film noir golden age. This shift could be decoded by the analysis of women's social position within the specific socio-historical context before and after World War II.

By 李辛吾 Lee Hsin-wu 

On Film - 01/03/2023


Femme fatale is one of the most representative figures in film noir. From 1941 to 1958, portrayals of female characters in film noir experienced changes and femme fatales were disappearing by 1958, the last year of film noir golden age. This shift could be decoded by the analysis of women's social position within the specific socio-historical context before and after World War II.

By 李辛吾 Lee Hsin-wu 

On Film - 02/11/2023



So Long (Live in New York, 2011),简单的旋律一遍遍重复可能开始显得有些乏味,但是情绪一点点累积直到最后的释放,韵味十足。这个曲子能很好地解释日本爵士的“克制”,它并不意味着其在情绪渲染上有所节制,而是指因受东方文化影响,在情绪表达上所有具有的内敛特质。如果说西方的爵士像梵高的星空,那么强烈的色调,扭曲的笔触传达出的情感似乎可以将人吞噬,日本爵士便是松林图,寥寥数笔,墨松几棵,润物无声,让人沉浸其中。

By 李辛吾 Lee Hsin-wu 

On Music - 10/05/2016

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